
Beach type:
Rocky on the edges and sandy in the center with small pebbles. Very small beach. The sea ​​bottom is sandy. It is worth to notice the beautifull seabed.
Access to this beach only on foot or by bicycle, as it is located in the middle of road that connects Karathona with Arvanitia beach. Crossing the uphill road near the Land Gate will reach a large parking lot, which is the entrance of Arvanitia Beach. Then, on the left of the entrance begins the road leading to Neraki. After about 15 mins walking, around the middle of the road you will reach this beautiful beach. Respectively in Karathona, next to the harbor you can leave your car and walk to navigate in Neraki or any other small bay you meet along the way.
Between the Arvanitia beach and Karathona.
None. Make sure you've taken with you everything you may need.
Other information:
Next to Neraki beach, there are many small beautiful bays. It is worth to discover.